Family Law

Our role as your legal representative consists of navigating the technical procedures and offering sound advice and counsel regarding your family.

Child Custody AttorneyDivorce

The court views divorce as a technical procedure terminating the legal relationship between the parties. The termination is accomplished through a series of steps that may seem complicated and confusing.

Even when emotions are running high, our role is to make the divorce process more comfortable. We seek to negotiate and, if necessary, litigate a resolution that minimizes the emotional toll that a divorce can have on the parties and their children.


Like marriage, adoption is a legal means of adding someone to your immediate family. Adoptions can be a complicated and time-consuming process, and a successful adoption often requires careful planning and professional guidance through Illinois adoption law.

Our role is to review the facts, advise our clients of the wide range of options and represent their interests in court as they seek to complete their family.

Child Custody, Paternity and Parentage Matters

Family Law and AdoptionChild custody, paternity, and parentage matters deal with issues including: establishing an individual as the legal father of a child; allocating parental responsibilities for the child’s education, health, and medical needs, extracurricular activities, and religion; establishing a parenting schedule; and establishing child support and division of the child’s expenses, such as health insurance premiums, unreimbursed medical expenses, school expenses, and extracurricular activities.

Our role is to navigate these issues while protecting our clients’ rights as parents and attempting to minimize the effect on the child(ren).

Child Guardianship

Guardianship of a child is awarded by a court to give legal authority to take actions to care for a child when the caretaker is not the child’s parent. For various reasons, including death or incapacity of a child’s parent(s), a child may require a guardian who will have the authority to act on his or her behalf. The need for guardianship must be proven for a court to award this authority. Once granted, the guardian can make medical and financial decisions on behalf of the child.

Our role is to represent potential guardians in developing and pursuing the appropriate plan to protect and care for the child(ren) in need of their guardianship.